Birch Trees Lesson Plan

Birch Trees Lesson Plan
Get ready to teach your students how to create THE most gorgeous birch trees composition!
In this lesson, students will learn the wet-on-wet watercolor technique, how to use proportion and size to create depth on a 2D surface, and how to use cardboard to make birch bark texture!
What’s included:
Step-by-Step Instructions with Photos
Birds-eye view Demonstration Video (no sound)
National Standards
Learning Objectives
Materials List
Vocabulary/Keywords List
Whiteboard Notes
Not only is this multi-media lesson visually stunning and rich with elements of art, but it also provides the perfect opportunity for young artists to practice self-awareness and self-management -- creating the birch bark texture can be a BIG challenge! But it’s worth the effort!
This project is excellent for building fine motor strength, identifying and regulating feelings, and learning how practice makes progress!